The official trailer for the Ukrainian feature film “Region of Heroes,” created by author and executive producer Oleksii Komarovskyi, has been released. The film will premiere exclusively in theaters starting November 24, 2022, in Ukraine. Proceeds from the screenings will go towards purchasing heaters for orphanages.
“Region of Heroes” is the first large-scale cinematic reconstruction of real heroic stories of ordinary Ukrainians. The team dedicated this project to all Ukrainian volunteers who have risked and continue to risk their lives to save thousands. The audience will see a candid cinematic testimony of events that occurred in the heart of enemy occupation: in Bucha, Vorzel, Hostomel, Irpin, and other cities and villages. Each heroic story represents not just one person and their story, but thousands of Ukrainian volunteers embodying the indomitable Ukrainian spirit.
“The heroes of the film are brave residents of the Kyiv region. They are only a part of a great heroic nation. They symbolize thousands of similar volunteer-heroes across Ukraine. The Kyiv Regional Military Administration will continue to support the filming of such patriotic projects in the region and support the Ukrainian film industry as a whole,” said Oleksii Kuleba, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.
“Our film is dedicated to all Ukrainian volunteers. It carries a charitable mission: ‘buy a ticket – warm a child.’ I invite everyone to the cinema because the funds raised from the screenings will be used to purchase heaters for orphanages, as we face a harsh winter ahead. Ukrainian cinema will warm not only the soul,” said author and executive producer Oleksii Komarovskyi.
The film “Region of Heroes” features several real stories. The lead roles are played by volunteers who portray themselves. This unique aspect of the film is that it is based on real events: it is cinema without actors. The soundtrack of “Region of Heroes” includes two popular Ukrainian tracks: “Free People” by the band BEZ OBMEZHEN, and “Thoughts” performed by Artem Pivovarov and DOROFEEVA.
The film is created by author and executive producer Oleksii Komarovskyi, produced by IdeaFilms in partnership with the Kyiv Regional Military Administration and with the support of the State Film Agency of Ukraine. The director is Artur Lerman, and the main media partner is ICTV.
Buy a Ticket – Warm a Child!
The official trailer for the Ukrainian feature film “Region of Heroes,” created by author and executive producer Oleksii Komarovskyi, has been released. The film will premiere exclusively in theaters starting November 24, 2022, in Ukraine. Proceeds from the screenings will go towards purchasing heaters for orphanages.
“Region of Heroes” is the first large-scale cinematic reconstruction of real heroic stories of ordinary Ukrainians. The team dedicated this project to all Ukrainian volunteers who have risked and continue to risk their lives to save thousands. The audience will see a candid cinematic testimony of events that occurred in the heart of enemy occupation: in Bucha, Vorzel, Hostomel, Irpin, and other cities and villages. Each heroic story represents not just one person and their story, but thousands of Ukrainian volunteers embodying the indomitable Ukrainian spirit.
“The heroes of the film are brave residents of the Kyiv region. They are only a part of a great heroic nation. They symbolize thousands of similar volunteer-heroes across Ukraine. The Kyiv Regional Military Administration will continue to support the filming of such patriotic projects in the region and support the Ukrainian film industry as a whole,” said Oleksii Kuleba, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.
“Our film is dedicated to all Ukrainian volunteers. It carries a charitable mission: ‘buy a ticket – warm a child.’ I invite everyone to the cinema because the funds raised from the screenings will be used to purchase heaters for orphanages, as we face a harsh winter ahead. Ukrainian cinema will warm not only the soul,” said author and executive producer Oleksii Komarovskyi.
The film “Region of Heroes” features several real stories. The lead roles are played by volunteers who portray themselves. This unique aspect of the film is that it is based on real events: it is cinema without actors. The soundtrack of “Region of Heroes” includes two popular Ukrainian tracks: “Free People” by the band BEZ OBMEZHEN, and “Thoughts” performed by Artem Pivovarov and DOROFEEVA.
The film is created by author and executive producer Oleksii Komarovskyi, produced by IdeaFilms in partnership with the Kyiv Regional Military Administration and with the support of the State Film Agency of Ukraine. The director is Artur Lerman, and the main media partner is ICTV.